Tekst: Rovena Trivanović / Petra Kokeza | Izvor: SŠ Bol

Pozivaju se zainteresirani učenici da se prijave za aktivnost učenja, podučavanja i osposobljavanja koja će se održati u Italiji u sklopu projeka A Healthy Taste of Inclusion.

Mobilnost će se održati od 17/18. -25./26. travnja 2020.

Na mobilnost može putovati 6 učenika, čiji će put biti plaćen iz projekta. Također zainteresirani učenici trebaju popuniti prilog 1, koji mogu pronaći na stranici projekta.

Putuje se u gradić Corato, u blizini Barija, a učenici će biti smješteni u obiteljima.

Motivacijsko pismo treba predati najdalje do 25.siječnja 2020, dok će izbor onih koji putuju biti najdalje početkom veljače. Učenici koji će putovati na mobilnost imaju obavezu i zaduženja prije i nakon povratka s mobilnosti.

Pismo treba poslati na mail: [email protected] ili ga predati profesorici Kokeza/ Trivanović u školi.

Aktivnosti na mobilnosti- Healthy eating in Italian way

-The mobility in Italy will be focused first of all on cooking workshops. During this mobility, Italian and foreign pupils will practice in the kitchen laboratory. Many traditional recipes might be executed by Italian students. Moreover, foreign pupils will be able to work and cook
together with Italian teachers and pupils, showing their own traditional cuisine.
-The host school will organize a professional excursion to a farmhouse, during this activity teachers will explain the importance of traditional
local products from agriculture, such as olive oil, almonds, wheat flour, wine , nutritional value and dietetic models will be explained.Students will also
visit a “pasta” factory and a wine-cellar. There will be also excursions to the most famous Unesco Heritage Sites in Apulian region
-The importance of Mediterranean diet (which belongs to immaterial Unesco heritage) and the value of a healthy style of life will be pointed out during
meeting at school, dealing with nutrition science. Students will make videos of the preparation and serving of traditional meals.

Radujemo se vašim pismima!!!