Molimo sve posjetitelje Bola koji su već došli ili u narednim danima planiraju doći u Bol u svoje kuće ili stanove za odmor da se OBAVEZNO PRIJAVE U SUSTAV EVISITOR jer to je zakonska obveza koja je posebno bitna u ovom periodu. Molimo sve da se ponašaju u skladu sa propisanim pravilima i preporukama.

Ukoliko primjetite osobe koje su došle iz zemalja koje su na popisu onih koji moraju biti u samoizolaciji a nisu molimo javite se u Krizni stožer otoka Brača, 097 651 9550.

*** ENGLISH ***

We kindly ask all visitors of Bol who have already come or are planning to come to Bol in their holiday homes or holiday apartments to register in to the EVISITOR system – this is a legal obligation that is especially important during this period. We ask that everyone act in accordance with the rules and recommendations prescribed.

If you notice people who came from countries that are on the list of those who need to be self-isolated and they are not, please contact the Crisis Headquarters of the island of Brac, +385 97 651 9550.